Rocks are natural materials which are extremely strong under compressive stresses and are formed over thousands of years through geological processes that occur naturally in the earth’s crust. This means that sand and other material is converted into rock because of the extreme amount of pressure and temperature that is exerted on to these materials because of the geological processes. This means that the final material is extremely dense and brittle which means that it is a great choice when it comes to resisting compressive forces.
How Rocks are Formed
The geology of a particular land where a project is supposed to be created it is extremely important and adequate site investigation along with geological investigation needs to be conducted to make sure that the parameters of the soil where the project is going to be founded in our of a sufficient strength to enable the project to be safely constructed. In many instances, the land is not level which means that earth work operations need to be carried out so that the land can be modified. Here, retaining walls are often used to provide a structure which holds back large amounts of soil and other material. These walls need to be designed so that they can easily and safely resist the lord that will be applied because of the presence of the large amount of soil and other material that is to be retained by the wall.
Retaining walls can be of several types; one of the most common types of retaining walls is the gravity retaining wall. These walls are extremely simple to make and rely on the sheer weight of the wall itself to create enough resistance to hold back the soil and other material that is to be retained by the wall. This means that limestone can be a good choice for this kind of wall as it provides a dense material which is extremely heavy which provides adequate resistance to hold back soil and other material that is to be retained by the wall.
At SCC Civil Stone, we are aware of the importance of limestone in construction such as in the use of retaining walls. We provide limestone retaining walls in perth which can be an extremely aesthetic as well as a functional solution to hold back large amounts of soil and other material in a slope which is not natural. We have a large amount of experience in this industry and have the necessary tools and knowledge to make sure that any project that you commissioner us to do will be completed to the highest of standards and to a degree with which you will thoroughly be satisfied with!